Portfolio > Let Us

This piece was made during a residency at Harold Arts near Chesterhill, Ohio in 2008. There is an old church, Mt. Zion, that is just up the road and was used by the residency for musical performances. The screenprint pattern was created using photographs of the existing wallpaper. The screenprinted pattern was then cut into letters and temporarily installed behind the pulpit. The phrase came from a postcard that my Grandmother had amongst family photos. I recreated that postcard and printed it 200 times in 2003, so this work was a chance to revisit that text specific to this site. In 2015 I revisited the phrase one more time, making a lithograph with the text.

Jeremy Lundquist Printmaking Installation Art Harold Arts Ohio Let Us Sing it that Way
screenprint, collage, cut paper
approx 6' x 12'
Jeremy Lundquist Let Us Sing It That Way Harold Arts Ohio
screenprint, collage, cut paper
Mt. Zion Church, Chesterhill, Ohio
photo of the exterior of the church
Let Us
200 inkjet prints, found lamp and box, dirt
Let Us
22" x 60"